Private Truffle Ceremonies
In a private truffle ceremony you are the centre of attention. The entire process from intake to integration is created to your specific needs and process.
A private truffle ceremony is a special ceremony in an intimate setting between client and facilitator. The set and setting, the space that we create together creates the foundation for the inner journey. For us it is important that we take the time to arrive and feel safe in the body and connect with the place of safety and trust in yourself en between the two of us.
During the journey, we are present as psychedelic therapists. If you find yourself in a challenging process, we are beside you to guide you through the difficult parts. This enables you to sink even deeper into yourself and the journey.
Private Truffle Ceremony Process
- Online intake session: We get to know each other, there is space for Q&A and we look into your intention.
- Private truffle ceremony Overall, a day looks like this:
- 10-11 arrival, sharing of intentions, meditation, bodywork, emotional release
- 11-16 truffle ceremony
- 16-17 closure & integration
- Optional: Online integration session: It is recommended to book an integration sessiona day or a few days after the ceremony. In this session we give meaning to the psychedelic experience and guide you to integrate the insights and make them concrete in your daily life. A single integration session costs 150 euros for a 1 hour session.
We can do a truffle ceremony at your place or you can book an external location via airbnb for example. In case you need some assistance in this we can check our network.
Prices on request.
What else do we offer
Truffle Ceremony & Coaching Support Packages
In general it is recommended to only start a truffle ceremony after a couple of coaching sessions. Depending on what is going on in you and your life we can say from experience that it is recommended to start with coaching/therapy sessions to work on I-strength. This way the truffle ceremony can be experienced, received and integrated in an optimal way. The coaching sessions after the ceremony focus on integration and concrete action. In the intake interview we will look at the ideal build up of session(s) before and after the ceremony.
A truffle ceremony can be a life changing experience and bring up parts from the unconscious that you really need to be ready to receive. It is important to have a strong foundation in yourself to be able and ready to look at these parts for integration purposes.
In the coaching sessions, we explore to see where in your life you want to experience a shift. We explore blockages, fears and shine light on the root causes in your life. We help you see through behavioral patterns, coping mechanisms and conditioning from early life experiences. Combining coaching and a ceremony creates expanded awareness and more confidence in yourself and your own abilities.
Below you can find the support packages and prices for coaching, that can be additionally booked:
- Coaching session: 150 euro*
- Support level 1: 2 coaching sessions: 300 euro*
- Support level 2: 4 coaching sessions: 550 euro*
- Support level 3: 6 coaching sessions: 750 euro*
(*) prices including VAT
With some conditions it is not recommended to take truffles, such as heart disease, psychosis susceptibility and schizophrenia. It is also not recommended to use truffles when taking (some) medications. Please contact us if this applies to you.