A 5 day retreat with the magic truffles
September 22nd - 27nd, in The Netherlands
We take you on a journey into the depth of your soul and psyche for healing, transformation and growth. This is a deep dive retreat for the ones that feel the call and are ready to transform their lives. Heal the past, find your purpose and create lasting change in this 5 day retreat created by the founders of Truffle Ceremonies.
In this deep dive retreat the most important ingredients are two truffle ceremonies supported by enough preparation and integration time with sharings, meditation, bodywork, movement, time to reflect, relax and connect.
A vegetarian chef will cook delicious healthy food. We stay in a beautiful luxurious retreat place with a green garden and lots of space to enjoy nature. The house includes a fireplace, hot tub and sauna, so you can have your own little spa treatment.

Anne & Karlijn have over 10 years of experience working in the field of plant medicines and are convinced about the healing and growth potential of these plants. We have worked and studied with different plant medicines, wisdom traditions and shamans from all over the world.
With truffle ceremonies we have created our own set and setting from our authentic embodiment and wisdom with our local medicine the magic truffles. We dedicate our lives to sharing this with the world. It is our mission to bring people back to their authentic self and wisdom of the heart.
Are you ready to Dive Deep?
Psilocybin is the substance in the magic truffle and is legal in The Netherlands. They have proven to cure depression, burn-out and anxiety and be able to transform lives. They have the capacity to go deep into our underworlds and show us what is buried in the subconscious and wants to come to the light. This is why working with psilocybin is going beyond talking therapy.
Magic Truffles can reconnect us with our authentic selves and feelings of connection and love. An inner journey can help you to get clarity about your path and meaning in life to create a lasting change.
Retreat elements
Stay at Retreat Centre The Tinus Boom
You will stay at a beautiful high end Retreat Centre, in the south of the Netherlands. The Tinus Boom is a place to come home to yourself, surrounded by nature and especially created for sacred ceremonies. We provide shared rooms for 2 or 3 persons, created by the Elements Water, Fire, Air and Water. The Retreat Centre is located in Almkerk, Brabant, only an hour away from Amsterdam.

Guidance from the heart
Anne and Karlijn create a magical field and safe setting filled with love and (com)passion, being present from the depths of their hearts. The ceremonies are consciously created with guided sharings, meditation, bodywork and movement. In this way you can sink deeper into your body and start the ceremonies from a place of trust and surrender.

Reflect, Connect and Relax
Besides 2 ceremonial days, we have 2 full integration days. During these days we help you integrate your insights with sharings, writing, reflection and movement. Besides this we make sure there is enough time and space to wander around in nature, sit around the fire or relax and recharge in the spa.

Delicious Vegetarian Food
The retreat is fully catered with carefully chosen and prepared meals with seasonal and organic products. Tamara is our chef who is cooking from her heart and soul. She works with the elements water, wind, earth and fire and every meal is balanced out.

Including free online intake and integration session
The retreat includes a free online intake call. In this online intake we can get to know each other a bit and find out if this retreat is for you. We can explore your intention and there is space for questions you may have.
To optimally integrate the experience of the retreat in your daily life and really ancor the transformation deeper into your being for transformation, healing and growth, we will schedule a (online) 1-1 integration session after the retreat. We will check in with you how you have been doing after the retreat and what needs more attention to further implement the insights or work on a specific action plan to implement changes into your life.

Date and time:
Friday 22nd - Wednesday 27nd of September 2023
Arrival time Friday: 17.00
Closing time Wednesday: 13.00
Retreat Centre ‘ De Tinusboom’
Hoekje 4
4286 LN Almkerk
Early bird price: € 2250,- including VAT* (until July 15th 2023)
Regular Price: € 2400,- including VAT* (from July 16th 2023)
*Price includes accommodation, full retreat program and catering.
Flight / Travel costs to the retreat center are not included.
Are you ready to dive deep?
Join us for this 5 day deep dive retreat.
Please apply via our website Truffle Ceremonies: www.truffelceremonies.com/contact .
We will send you all the additional information for the retreat and an invitation for the intake call.
Anne & Karlijn